2018 Resolutions
2018 Resolutions
2018-02 ENS PSA.pdf2018-03 VTD PSA.pdf2018-04 Adopting a Low-Income Rate Assistance Program Policy.pdf2018-05 Adopting a Procurement Policy.pdf2018-06 Position on Legislation Policy.pdf2018-07 Election of Officers.pdf2018-08 Electing to Become Subject to the UPCCAP.pdf2018-09 Accepting EDCWA Cost-Sharing Agreement for FY 2017-18.pdf2018-10 Authorizing Bid Process for CABY Water Conservation, Supply Reliability, and Environmental Protection Project.pdf2018-11 Confirming Appointment of Sierra Nyokka to Finance Committee.pdf2018-12 Authorizing Budget Amendment for FY 2017-18.pdf2018-13 Removing Donna Bruss from Finance Committee.pdf2018-14 Providing Role and Responsibilities of Finance Committee.pdf2018-15 Confirming Appointments to Finance Committee.pdf2018-16 Supporting Georgetown Kids Fishing Derby.pdf2018-17 NOT Used
2018-18 Authorizing Renewal of Lease Agreement with PG&E-Hotchkiss Hill Site.pdf2018-19 Approving Irrigation Applications for 2018 Season.pdf2018-20 Declaring the 2018 Projected Water Year.pdf2018-21 Authorizing PSA with UFS for Walton Tank #2 Recoating Project.pdf2018-22 Authorizing PSA with Bosco for Recoating Walton Tank #2 .pdf2018-23 Authorizing PSA with LSL for Audit Services.pdf2018-24 Adopting Budget Amendment for the Low-Income Rate Assistance Program.pdf2018-25 Authorizing Reimbursements for ACWA Conference Expenses.pdf2018-26 Authorizing PSA with NBS_Closeout Svcs.pdf2018-27 Authorizing Contract with Bosco Inc-WCSREP.pdf2018-28 Setting a Date for Prop 4 Hearing.pdf2018-29 Adopting Board Goals and Objectives for FY2018-19.pdf2018-30 Authorizing Lease Agrmt with ATT-Hotchkiss Hill.pdf2018-31 Declaring a Consolidated General Election.pdf2018-32 Setting FY2018-19 Prop 4 Appropriations Limitation.pdf2018-33 Authorizing PSA with Wood Group.pdf2018-34 Approving Amendment 3 to PSA with G. Sanders.pdf2018-35 Authorizing Reimbursement of GFOA Training Expenses.pdf2018-36 Approving the Annual Budget for FY 2018-19.pdf2018-37 Approving CIP.pdf2018-38 Authorizing PSA with Hansford.pdf2018-39 Accepting Completion and Directing Filing of NOC of Walton Tank 2 Recoating.pdf2018-40 Approving Job Description for Field Supt.pdf2018-41 Approving Job Description for HR-IT Specialist.pdf2018-42 Approving County Forms Re Conflict of Interest.pdf2018-43 Approving MOU with Local 39.pdf2018-44 Declaring the End of 2018 Irrigation Season.pdf2018-45 Adopting System Specific SSMP.pdf2018-46 Adopting a Procurement Policy.pdf2018-47 Authorizing Reimbursement Related to ACWA Folsom Tour.pdf2018-48 Amending Conflict of Interest Code.pdf2018-49 Approving Vehicle Replacement.pdf2018-50 Authorizing PSA with Blue Ribbon (MJT).pdf2018-51 Authorizing PSA with Bennett Engineering.pdf2018-52 Authorizing Amendment 6 to PSA with PSOMAS.pdf2018-53 Approving an Updated Reserve Policy.pdf2018-54 Authorizing an Amendment to PSA with VTD.pdf2018-55 Accepting and Declaring the Results of the November 6, 2018 GDPUD Election.pdf2018-56 Recognizing Jesse Hanschild.pdf2018-57 Recognizing Lon Uso.pdf2018-58 Appointing Representative to JPIA.pdf2018-59 Nominating Steve Palmer to ACWA Region 3 Board.pdf2018-60 Approving Vendor Agreement with PACE Supply.pdf